On 21th of November between 07.00-10.00 (timezone EET/EEST) it is not possible to register or transfer or trade EU domains. The old .EU domain transfer system will cease to be operational and only the new transfer procedure will be available. Domain renewal orders made during that time will stay on hold until the change has taken effect.

Main changes:

* Transfer transactions will only be successful if they are initiated by the insertion of a unique authorization code (EPP code).

* Authorization code can be ordered through domain management and „My domains“. To request the code click „EPP authorization code“ and it will be sent to registrants email address.

* Transfer and trade orders are initiated immediately after the invoice is paid and payment can be seen in our system. Upon activation of the new system, any transfers still pending will be handled according to the old procedure.

EURid has preserved the right to make random checks on initiated transfers. The transfer transaction is put in a queue that is managed by EURid staff and processed on five working days.