Most visible change is increase in offered storage space – Package I increases from 50GB to 128GB or 2,56x, Packages II and III have new limits at 256GB and 512GB growing 3,4x and 5,12x. More space is accompanied by rising limits of usage – increasing maximum size of mailbox (now 8-16GB) and database (4-12GB). For clients hosting multiple web applications on same account number of databases increases as well, allowing on Package I and II 16 and 32 and on Package III unlimited databases.
While numbers are easy to compare changes in technology should deserve more attention, influencing actual use of the websites. Gentle push that started in 2014 from Chromium is bringing us closer to moment, when “green padlock” that means secure HTTPS connections will be succeeded by marking all HTTP-connections non-secure. Read more: Marking HTTP As Non-Secure and Google Will Soon Shame All Websites That Are Unencrypted.
To make transitioning to HTTPS easier we have added support of free and automatically renewed Let’s Encrypt certificates that can be installed with couple of clicks even by non-technical users and support for HTTP/2 protocol that among other features speeds up communication between web server and browser. Possibility to send all resources needed for displaying a web page in single response improves user experience specially on mobile sites.
We at Zone are confident, that now is the right moment to log into MyZone account, enjoy the view of increased limist and change your shared hosting package to one that supports HTTPS and HTTP/2. Short instruction showing the moves of package change and enabling HTTPS can be found in the video – and our customer support is happy to help in case you need assistance.