Zone customer support working hours during Holidays
The best price for a .WEBSITE domain
Zone Media has started big project synchronizing its different services databases to make clients lives even more easier. The key factor for this process will be new user identification ZoneID which allows...
<div>Starting 1st December 2009 ZONE.EU will support registration of IDN domain names in the EU top-level domain and will accept applications for the IDN landrush. </div> <div> </div>...
Zone Media ( has joined the Estonian Association of Information Technology and Telecommunications (ITL). "We serve a substantial number of Estonian internet users and so...
All shared-hosting MySQL servers are currently upgraded to MySQL 5.1 This upgrade enables our clients to use triggers. Triggers were’nt usable in shared environment in the past versions of MySQL...
The ZONE.EU registrar environment now supports 8 popular generic top-level domains in addition to the European Unions top-level domain EU. New supported TLDs are: * COM ...
On the 7th of April two years will pass from the day when the wider public got the chance to register domains in the EU top-level domain. To celebrate this anniversary we will unroll a campaign during...
During the night of 10th February 2008 between 00.00 and 06.00 AM we are planning to upgrade the MySQL server to the version 5.0. During this timeperiod access to our customers websites may be limited....
Welcome to our rejuvenated homepage! We hope it is comfortable and intuitive to use for all. We have some good news: Today we will upgrade all our shared hosting plans. Our most popular service plan "I"...
DataZone virtual servers are using a newer generation of MySQL server software. Instead of the previous 4.0 version we have deployed the 4.1 version of MySQL. We would like to bring to your attention that...
Seoses turvariski(de)ga PHP 4.3.9 versioonis uuendasime PHP4 versiooni ning selleks on nüüd 4.3.10 Lähemalt 4.3.10 paranduste kohta SIIT PHP4 uuendus tingis ka Zend Optimizeri uuendamise ning seda versioonile...
Dear customer! Zone Media is increasing the resources available to shared hosting customers while keeping the prices at the current level. Diskspace available to most popular hosting plans (I & II)...
These last days a new type of e-mail virus, Beagle (W32.Beagle.F@mm), and its various versions have began to spread in massive amounts. The characteristic feature of this virus is a password-encoded ZIP...