1. Scope of application
1.1. These General Terms of Certificate Services shall be applied to all Service Contracts concluded for the use of the Certificate Services resold by Zone.
1.2. General Terms of the Services of Zone also apply to the Certificate Services to the extent that these General Terms of Certificate Services do not provide otherwise.
2. Terms
2.1. Terms in the General Terms of Certificate Services are used in the following meaning:
2.1.1. Certificate – a fixed-term service provided by a third person service provider (Certifier), the purpose of which is to issue an electronic certificate to confirm the identity of the Client (SSL certificate) to enable the use of encrypted exchange of data between a web browser and web server. The Certificate may be accompanied by additional services provided by the Certifier, e.g. malware search from a web site, etc. The exact description of every particular Certificate is provided in the Rules and it may, inter alia, include restrictions for the use of the Certificate as well as sanctions for the violation of Rules, as well as information legally defining the Certifier.
2.1.2. Rules – terms applied by the Certifier to a particular Certificate. Terms concerning Certificates intermediated by Zone are available on the web site http://www.enom.com/terms/default.asp
2.1.3. Certificate Service – a service for ordering a Certificate through Zone
2.1.4. Certificate Contract – Service Contract for ordering a Certificate Service
2.1.5. End User – a Client or any other person for whom the Certificate Service and Certificate is ordered
3. Entry into contract
3.1. The Certificate Contract shall be deemed concluded and shall enter into effect when the Client has paid for the Certificate Service and Zone has sent a message concerning the conclusion of the Certificate Contract to the Client’s e-mail.
3.2. An application for extending the Certificate is considered a new order of the Certificate Service and it shall be performed according to the same procedure as if a new Certificate Contract would be concluded, incl. paying for the extended period of the Certificate Service.
4. Representations of the client
4.1. Upon concluding the Certificate Contract and extending the Certificate Service, the Client represents that:
4.1.1. the Client has studied the Rules concerning the Certificate and the Price List of a particular Certificate Service prior to entering into the Certificate Contract, and
4.1.2. if the Client orders a Certificate Service in the name of a third person End User, the Client confirms the existence of a full authorisation to represent the End User and that the End User is bound to the Rules, and the terms and conditions applied by Zone, while the Client remains responsible for the actions of the End User.
5. Content of certificate service
5.1. The object of the Certificate Contract is the legal relationship between the Parties arising from ordering and extending the Certificate Service.
5.2. The purpose of the Certificate Contract is ordering a Certificate the Client is interested in through Zone.
5.3. Upon ordering the Certificate Service, rights and obligations related to the Certificate are created between the End User and Certifier.
5.4. The Certificate Service provided by Zone comprises applying for the Certificate and the necessary exchange of information with the Certifier (taking into consideration the End User’s obligation to aid the Certifier in identifying the End User), as well as reminding the Client of the option to extend the Certificate and offering to do so.
5.5. The Clients gives Zone all powers to represent the End User in applying for the Certificate.
5.6. Ordering the Certificate entails control procedures carried out by the Certifier that imply certain activities on the part of the End User. The End User undertakes to perform the necessary procedures for the Certificate to be issued.
5.7. The Certificate may be issued by the Certifier to the End User directly or through Zone, depending on the particular Certifier and Certificate.
5.8. Help in ordering the Certificate Service is available to the Client via Zone’s web page https://www.zone.ee, e-mail info@zone.ee or telephone (+372) 688 6886.
6. Fee and the payment thereof
6.1. The price of the Certificate Service according to the Price List includes the fee for the issuing of the Certificate by the Certifier.
6.2. Upon expiration or unilateral termination of the Certificate Contract, the Client shall pay to Zone for the service actually provided by Zone.
7. Obligations of parties
7.1. Zone undertakes to:
7.1.1. submit an application for ordering a Certificate for the End User with data the Client has disclosed to Zone upon entering into the Certificate Contract (incl. the requested Certificate and its desired validity term);
7.1.2. notify the Client of the option to extend the Certificate at least 30 days before the expiration of the validity of the Certificate.
7.2. The Client undertakes to:
7.2.1. pay for the Certificate Service pursuant to the Price List;
7.2.2. guarantee that the order and use of the Certificate does not violate the rights of third persons (incl. rights for trademark), and
7.2.3. guarantee compliance to the Rules upon using the Certificate.
8. Liability
8.1. Zone shall not be liable for the Certifier’s actions, incl. for the performance of the contract between the Certifier and the End User.
8.2. The liability of Zone in applying for the Certificate shall be limited with Zone’s activities as a representative of the End User.
8.3. Zone shall not be liable for the lawfulness of the use of the Certificate even if the Certificate is used in Zone’s server.
8.4. The liability of Zone in the provision of the Certificate Service shall be limited with the annual cost of the service.
9. Expiry of contract
9.1. The Certificate Contract shall terminate upon the expiry of the term of validity of the Certificate.