The last month was somewhat calmer than the stormy
April, as far as the number of new .ee subdomains is considered.

The slightly declining number of applications may
indicate a smooth transition into summer period during which the number of applications
is naturally lower than usual. Nonetheless the market leader Zone Media OÜ has
been able to continue the rise. The achieved 30.1% percentage of mediated domain
names this month tells a clear proof of a stable and active provider of hosting
service. The leader mediates a stable count of up to 200 domain name applications
each month under the .ee subdomain.

When lining up the .ee subdomain names mediated
by the 10 most active Internet service providers in declining order, we will
see very large gaps between the first three positions. Starting from the third
place, the numbers of mediated domain names are very uniform. It is also usual
that switching-around of those positions does not count for much on the market,
as following month can bring along another change and the companies can find
themselves in the same old line-up again.

Telenord Group can be considered the healthy surprise
of the month of May. This company started a new active advertising campaign
for it’s hosting service a couple of months ago and is now in the ranks of the
top ten.

In this last month many of the TOP 10 nominees ended
up sharing their positions. This on its own account proves the uniform level
of the ISP-s (Internet Service Providers) in the second and third quarters of
the table, but it also clearly speaks of furious competition.

Even if the client market may be a hindering factor,
it is always possible to strengthen a company’s competitive edge via different
types of flexible IT solutions and applications.

Managing a namespace with Estonian country marking
is a business that brings along a great deal of responsibility, and sometimes
arguments over well-known domain names end up in media (for example
and were covered in Eesti Päevaleht, was a subject in
Äripäev). Some arguments have risen in conjunction with possible unfair competition
via domain names and possible cases of damaging a brand name that sounds similar
to a .ee domain name in use. As to now, the policy about domain names that is
essentially similar in all Northern countries has kept the relevant name spaces
free of major court arguments. In reality though, Estonian administrative judges
and lawyers have, too, had more and more chances to prove themselves in the
field of domains and legal problems around them for the last couple of years.
Legal information presented upon registering a domain name can be seen at the
following address: In addition to that,
technical information and dates of changes can be seen at the WHOIS server of
EENet (

TOP 10 registrars in May


Zone Media OÜ



Eesti Telefon AS


3.- 4.

Northside Solutions OÜ, Uninet AS



Compic OÜ


6.- 8.

WebMarket OÜ, Elkdata OÜ, Microlink Data AS



Alfanet OÜ



Telenord Grupp OÜ


June 16, 2003, an article in the business paper

Source: EENet