Our software developers and technicians have updated our webmail client to a new version, which enables new features and hopefully significantly improves the speed as well as the reliability of its use.

First of all we believe that all “cloud” based user data should be free and not “hostage” at the service providers systems. Thus, now all the contacts created in our webmail client can be exported in open formats. Personal contact data can be obtained as a CSV file, vCard or an archive containing vCards.




Another change concerns the features of the user’s email spam-filter. Until now only the spam-filter rules affecting the whole web-hosting account, could be changed in our control panel. Now each and every web-based email user is able to create email address and domain based black-lists, which apply in addition to the account spam-filters. Our webmail had some filtering functionality before, but these filters were applied when the customer logged in to the web-based email. The new spam-filters work constantly in the background.


Third, the recent problems of a large communications provider in Estonia, have made us look over the structure of our own email service. So we have decided to switch to a technology, that uses a replication of webmail data near real time between two separate servers with SSD RAID arrays. This has significantly improved the customer experience and increased the reliability of the system. In case of a major failure we should be able to restore our services even more efficiently.